Grapefruit - February's Essential Oil of the Month!
Posted by Lia Ricci on
Grapefruit is February's Essential Oil of the Month!
I love grapefruit EO. Especially at this time of the year. It's sweet, bright scent reminds me that we have made it through the darkest days of winter.
Just a few deep breaths from the bottle and my shoulders drop while my lips curl into a big smile. Joy in a bottle!
When I went back to school for holistic health, I was working full time in Bowling Green. My school was two and a half hours away. Every Saturday morning, after working a full week, I would wake up at 4:30am, brew some coffee, pack up the car, and be on the road by 5am.
Class was 8am-5pm with a one hour lunch Saturday and Sunday. Sunday evening, after class, I would have dinner with family who graciously housed me during the weekends, pack the car back up, and drive back to Bowling Green. I usually arrived home just before midnight.
I did this for three years.
If you know me well, you may have remembered a couple "Lia facts" while reading this story.
1 - I am NOT a morning person
2 - I am a two year old in the car. As soon as my butt hits the seat, I'm thinking "Are we there yet?".
I kept a bottle of grapefruit essential oil in the middle console of my car nearly the entire three years! It helped wake me up and keep me calm during the long commute back and forth from school. I'm convinced it saved countless fellow commuters from the pointy edge of my road rage.
Thankfully, those early mornings and intense weekends are behind me. However, grapefruit EO is still a treasured friend.
I often turn to grapefruit for a hit of "sunshine in a bottle" when I need a little pick me up. Whether I am lacking physical or mental energy, she is always there with energy to share.